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The Parables of Kryon

These four audio downloads are from the original master of the product recorded and released in 1996. They represent the entire reading of the parables from Kryon book IV (The Parables of Kryon - Hay House). These parables are scored with music by composer Stanley G. Beard, and are read by Kryon team members, children, and various actors and voice-over artists contracted for this purpose. Lee then gives a synopsis of what each parable really means. They represent ALL the parables in the book... far more than the original product release... 19 parables in allexterner link


As the original Kryon channel, I have been doing this now for more than 31 years. Everything that KRYON says in channel, anywhere on earth, is given away for FREE on my website - That is where the "motherlode" of the channelling are, in addition to YOUTUBE.

I make my living as a teacher, putting together the information that Kryon has given, writing books, doing live lectures, and special videos. This YOUTUBE channel has lots of KRYON channellings from all over the world: with NO ADSexterner link

Monika Muranyi

Monika ist spezialisiert auf die Verbindung der Menschheit mit Gaia. Sie bat Lee Carrol um die Erlaubnis Kryons Information zu diesem Thema aus den verschiedenen Channelings zusammengetragen in einem Buch veröffentlichen zu dürfen. Mittlerweile sind daraus drei Bücher geworden und sie finden Weiteres darüber - insbesondere die Knoten & Nullen der Erde - auf Monikas Webseite monikamuranyi.comexterner link

Lee & Monika Video: The Energy Grid of Gaiaexterner link

Dr. Amber Wolf

Raised in rural New England, Dr. Wolf then moved to the Alaskan wilderness, where she lived for 12 years. Surviving amidst the beauty and harshness of the elements, Dr. Wolf learned indigenous healing remedies and midwifery. She is the co-designer and facilitator of the very popular and profound KRYON DISCOVERY SERIES, now held both in the USA and overseas and also the creator and facilitator of the Lemurian Sisterhood Seminars mit speziellen Kryon Channelings: Lee, Amber & Monika Video: All about Lemuriaexterner link

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Often called Dr. Todd because of his passion for science und the associated career, he focusses on DNS enhancement through laser technology. However, there is an other side to him: pineal toning. Check out the parallel implementation of both his intuition and inventions on his websites: Lee Carroll and Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

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