
1. Liver Magic

The liver plays a decisive role in many processes, one of them being detoxification. Traditional medicines of Indian and China hold that I can not get sick as long as my liver works properly.

However, the liver has no pain receptors. How to know when it needs support?

Fatigue is the
the liver's cry
for help!

In case this is me, what can I do?

I take herbal bitters. So may you!

2. Lyme Network

The other issue in our english section is Lyme disease: How to tell the difference between borrelia proliferating (acute state) and issues arising from borrelia toxins (chronic state) - and what's the support one can expect from a teaselroot protocol? Click here for detailed information.

recommended reading:
Healing Lyme Disease Naturally: History, Analysis, and Treatments by Wolf D. Storl, Matthew Wood und Andreas Thum

Healing Lyme Disease Naturally

History, Analysis, and Treatments by Wolf D. Storl, Matthew Wood und Andreas Thum

3. Lyme Shop

Here you can get the basic things to:
  • support your liver,
  • kill parasites (like borrelia) and
  • clean up borrelia toxins.

4. Questions & Answers

Here you find the answers to frequently asked questions as well as some interesting feedback from our customers.

DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this website is for resource and educational purposes only. Nothing herein is intended to be medical advice. Only your physician can give medical advice!

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